Extreme Heat Vulnerability Assessment

Identifying Extreme Heat Vulnerable Populations in the North Shore

North Shore Emergency Management & Partner Municipalities and First Nations

The North Shore Region of Metro Vancouver

Hazards of Concern:

Period of Work:
April 2023 – September 2024

North Shore Extreme Heat Resilience

Extreme Heat Vulnerability Mapping Story Map

As part of this work, Resilience Mapping Canada developed an extreme heat vulnerability mapping ESRI Story Map for the NSEM Extreme Heat Forum that explores the many factors influencing extreme heat on the North Shore.

The Story Map included:

  • A description of the mapping process developed for the project

  • Indicator maps for each of the 20 vulnerability and environmental exposure indicators

  • Vulnerability theme maps for the four themes identified for the region

  • An overall vulnerability map with weighted contributions for each of the four themes

  • Extreme heat environmental exposure map identifying areas likely to experience elevated temperatures during extreme heat events

  • A bi-variate map combining environmental exposure and vulnerability

Hazards of Concern

Extreme Heat

An extreme heat event is an extended period of dangerously high temperatures and/or humidity. Specific thresholds for daytime highs, overnight lows, and humidity levels will vary for different ecoregions.

Public Story Map

Extreme Heat Vulnerability Mapping


High Exposure & High Vulnerability


Project Deliverables

The primary deliverable for this project was the public story map shown above…